First, thanks to all you LyX'ers -- the ones writing me both onlist and offlist. There's no way I would have solved this without you.
Second, I'm really bent out of shape (American idiom for extremely angry) because those fool packagers at Mandriva put in a 2004 Memoir package into Mandriva 2008.1. I've got nine months to get over my anger, but right now I'm inclined to switch to another distro next summer. The big clue came when several of you said you couldn't reproduce my symptom on my 5 line LaTeX program. That pointed a very accusing finger at *MY* Memoir package installation. Looking at its files, I saw they were from 2004. So I downloaded a 2008 Memoir. My 5 line LaTeX program compiled, so I knew I was on the right track. Unfortunately, my actual LyX book got approximately several hundred errors. Google was my friend, and I found out that to complete the installation, I had to do this: latex memoir.ins So I did that, but my LaTeX program still got a couple hundred errors. This time, however, most of the errors seemed to be associated with Enumerate, so I commented out my LaTeX code that compressed enumerate vertically. There were still some errors, so I commented out similar compression code in itemize and the table of contents. It compiled with hyperref included, and gave me a clickable table of contents. What remains now is to find a different way to code my list compressions, and test everything else to make sure there are no other problems. If anyone reading this list is using Mandriva 2008.x, be VERY careful, and don't assume your tetex package is correct or up to date. In hindsight, I made the classic troubleshooting mistake of proceeding on an untested and invalid assumption -- in this case the assumption being that my tetex installation was solid. The several of you who responded telling me my program compiled correctly on your setups helped cast the light of day on that invalid assumption, leading to at least a partial solution. Thank you all very much!!! SteveT On Monday 25 August 2008 11:25:25 am Eran Kaplinsky wrote: > > Steve Litt > > Sat, 23 Aug 2008 18:43:52 -0700 > > > > Hi all, > > > > I need your help. It turns out to be a known problem that you can't use > > hyperref with Memoir. However, there's supposedly a fix, known as > > memhfixc.sty. Supposedly, if you \usepackage{memhfixc} AFTER you > > \usepackage{hyperref}, they can coexist. See this: > > > > > >006-3/wilson/wilson.pdf+memoir+hyperref+ifpdf&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=us > > < > >2006-3/wilson/wilson.pdf+memoir+hyperref+ifpdf&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=us> > > > > However, when I make a trivial latex file based on the preceding > > document, it fails. Here's the file: > > > > \documentclass{memoir} > > \usepackage{hyperref} > > \usepackage{memhfixc} > > \usepackage{mempatch} > > \begin{document} > > hello world. > > \end{document} > > Most of my documents are with memoir and hyperref, with no problem. I > usually have: > > \usepackage{hyperref} > > \hypersetup{pdftex, bookmarks, backref, letterpaper, colorlinks=true, > urlcolor=black} > > \usepackage{memhfixc} > > > But, I tries your document and it works, too ... > > > Eran