Try adding it as a document option instead of a package option, I believe
packages use document options they recognize

On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 13:14:46 +0200
"Literatur Hiwi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
> In Lyx I chose a beamer class to be my "document class".
> Now I would like to use the xcolor package, hence I entered the following
> into the preamble:
> \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor}
> Unfortunately I get the following message once I try to compile my file:
> \definecolor
> {darkgreen}{cmyk}{0.5, 0, 1, 0.5}
> The package xcolor has already been loaded with options:
> []
> There has now been an attempt to load it with options
> [x11names]
> Adding the global options:
> ,x11names
> to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
> Try typing to proceed.
> Is there a possibiliy to add the x11names option to the assumably already
> loaded xcolor package?
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Best regards,
> TJ

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