On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The individuals at LyX are a bunch of @ssholes!
Mr D., Unfortunately, you are the ignorant fool who blames others for your inability to learn or follow instructions. By your top posting. leaving all previous text in this thread (and others) on your response, and general lack of knowledge of 'Netiquette I can tell that you're a Microserf running some version of Winduhs. You drag-and-drool, click happily away, and haven't a clue. Let me try to help the two of you learn how to do things for yourself. Step 1: put the following address in your Web browser: http://www.lyx.org/ Step 2: press the [Enter] key (or click on the 'Go' button). Step 3: look at the vertical menu on the left side. It's under the LyX logo and has a grey background. Step 4: move your pointy device cursor to the 7th item on the list. It reads, "Mailing Lists / Forum" and is the first item under the second yellow heading ("Support"). Still with me? Step 5: click on the "Mailing Lists / Forum" item. Magically you're shown a new page. Step 6: scroll down. Under section 1.2 (User's List) you'll see an instruction to unsubscribe. It reads, "... send an empty mail message to: * [EMAIL PROTECTED] to unsubscribe Wow! Imagine that! Step 7: do the same for the other mail lists on which you accidently placed yourself. Now, if this is too complicated for you, scroll down to section 2.3 and read, "I can't unsubscribe "In every message you get from the LyX mailing lists, there will be a line in the message header that looks like this: List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "This will remind you how to unsubscribe, so that you don't have to mail the mailing list asking how to do so." If this is too difficult, ask locally for help from someone who can assist you with this terribly difficult process. -- Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. | Integrity Credibility Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. | Innovation <http://www.appl-ecosys.com> Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863