On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:
I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete
path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:
If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim,
and the bug should be reported to them.
That didn't work for me. But based on the following I now have an
hypothesis and two questions for you:
I learned from the following command line experiments. I ran
/Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyxeditor foo 123
to go to line 123 of foo.lyx (currently open in LyX) and that did not
work. I then ran
/Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyxeditor ~/foo 123
and that worked! Turns out my file is stored in my home directory and
I needed to add "~/" in front of the file name.
Now, how is Skim supposed to know this path? The file in Skim is
opened with the same filename but in a tmp directory.
It works for you though, so here are my questions;
1. your pdf file is located in a tmp directory or alongside your .lyx
2. in LyX when you have a file opened, do you see the full pathname or
just the name of the file [I see the full path, so it seems LyX
considers that the name of the file, which may be the root of the