Hi! I become acquainted with bookmark package (http://texcatalogue.sarovar.org/ entries/bookmark.html ) and I found it very nice to design modern interactive PDF documents.
Now I use black bold bookmarks for general document hierarchy (parts, chapters, sections), bold red bookmarks for navigation pages and ordinary style for other ones. See screenshot: http://s46.radikal.ru/i111/0807/9b/434f86e093b5.png My question: Is there any way to set bookmark global style in the preambula for all kinds of entires, as I described? I mean some new commands, /def's for chapnername etc. Or only way is to write code for every one in the document body: Code: \bookmarksetup{bold,color=red165} \pdfbookmark{Contents}{Tableofcontents} \tableofcontents{} ... \bookmarksetup{bold,color=[rgb]{0,0,0}} \chapter{One} \bookmarksetup{bold=false} ... \section{\texorpdfstring{First}{First}} \bookmarksetup{color=[rgb]{0,0,0}} ... \bookmarksetup{bold,color=red165} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname} \printindex{}