Hello together! I'm working with Lyx 1.5.5 on Windows XP.
I'm trying to get HellmutsBusiness-template (http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/HellmutsBusiness) running. The version in the wiki is built on Lyx 1.6, so Hellmut sent me a version for Lyx 1.5 (see attachment). This file I can open with Lyx 1.5.5. But when I want to see it as a PDF, PS od DVI, I get the error message, that you can see in the attached "Fehlermeldung2.gif".
All files "b_FvG-Bahn.lyx", "bese-common-komavars.lco", "bese-company.lco" and "bese-layout.lco" are in the same template-folder. So I don't understand, why these files are not found (error-message).
What is wrong, how do I get it running correctly? Helmut is working with linux, I am working with Win XP. May this be the reason?
Description: application/lyx
<<inline: Fehlermeldung2.gif>>