Hi Pandita

your document did not cause any problems on my computer, however, since the bug you found seems to be reproducible under certain circumstances it'll probably be fixed in one of the next releases. If you are in the need to work with lyx in the meantime I suggest that you compile and install the last stable version.


Hi Michael and all list members

I posted the following question to the list:

"I have just compiled Lyx 1.6 beta4 on Ubuntu (8.04) and installed it. When I tried to open my Lyx documents, one document is constantly crashing when I click on the title in the document (very strange). Can someone tell me how to fix it?"

Then Michael asked me "Could you run lyx in the terminal and post the crash/error output?" I followed his advice and I got the following terminal output:

CoordCache.cpp(39): break on pointer: 0x8bb1640 hint: x size: 4
lassert.cpp(21): ASSERTION false VIOLATED IN CoordCache.cpp:40
Assertion triggered in void lyx::doAssert(const char*, const char*, long
int) by failing check "false" in file lassert.cpp:23

Then Michael wrote:

    I'm not sure what this actually means, maybe somebody else has an idea.

    Can you provide the document as Pavel suggested? Does the error
    occur only with this document or with every (even newly created) file?

    Please remember to reply to all recipients (i.e
    lyx-users@lists.lyx.org <mailto:lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>) when
    answering emails in the userlist, otherwise its just me reading it
    and I'm not really an expert :-)

So I have attached my document herewith. Really hope somebody kindly helps.

Thanking in advance

Ven. Pandita

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