
I'm working on a Mac OSX 10.3 and with the newest version of Lyx I had the problem that under file > export there only showed up "user defined" and now other options. With your help I could change it by choosing the formats I wanted unter lyx > preferences > file formats. I still have the problem that the directories in /tmp/ cannot be removed. I always get a message when copying, posting text or closing a file. I think about the time that I changed the export options, when I wanted to write text in a text enviroment, not in a tex enviroment, all the letters of that paragraph turn diagonal and I can't read the text anymore. It goes back to normal after a while, but I still can't write in a way that I can read and see directly what I'm writing. (see attachments)

I have now idea how this happened, I never had any problem like this with Lyx before.
I really hope you can help me!
Thank you!

Heike Zierau

Attachment: DiagonalLetters2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: DiagonalLetters.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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