On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Heike Zierau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am 18.06.2008 um 14:11 schrieb Bennett Helm:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 2:09 AM, Heike Zierau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  I'm using Mac OS X 10.3.9 and installed Lyx 1.5.5. I have some problems
>>> with exporting and I don't know if there are some latex installations
>>> missing or if Lyx 1.5.5 isn't working properly with my Mac.
>> You'll need to be much more specific for us to figure out what the problem
>> might be.
> When I go to file > export there doesn't appear a list of different export
> possibilities, like "pdflatex", "plain", "dvi", ... but just "user defined".
> When I click on that I get a little window with several export formats and a
> field where a order should appear when choosing one export format (see
> attachment). But nothing happens when I choose one of the possibilities, not
> even the buttons "OK" or "Übernehmen" (adopt) work by then, neither by
> double clicking. I have to type in a order to be able to press OK or
> Übernehmen, but nothing is exported then. On my friends Mac OSX 1.4 under
> file > export I got all the export possibilities right away and I could
> export in pdf, ps, latex, dvi.
> The only way to export here is by clicking on pdf, ps or dvi on the upper
> tool bar which doesn't work always either. What bothers me the most is that
> I'm not able to export in tex code.

This suggests that your preferences are probably messed up. In LyX >
Preferences > File formats, you should see a checkbox for "Document format";
this should be checked for each of the possibilities you want to export to.
Having done that, those options should show up in the View and File > Export
menus. (Alternatively, you can move your preferences file aside
(~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.5/preferences) and restart LyX, and it
should work.

>  I also installed Lyx 1.5.5 on a friends Mac OS X 10.4 and there this
>>> problems didn't come up.
>> This has been reported before, but I can't reproduce it myself. As a
>> workaround, what happens if you specify a temporary directory (LyX >
>> Preferences > Paths) that's in your home directory, such as ~/tmp?
>> I tried to change the path of the tmp directory but still the same message
> appears.

Then I'm at a loss on this one.


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