TP wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
TP wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
ppm or png can be equally shown within LyX.
AFAIK, the semicolon is not for redirection but for command separation,
you might want to use '>' instead.
Yes, I mean that I used the semicolon, because the following does not
work in command line:
$ inkscape $$i --export-png=/dev/stdout|convert - $$o
Just to be sure, are you aware that the $$i and $$o syntax is a LyX
defined one? LyX will automatically replace that with the input and
output file names
Yes I know it. I have replaced $$i by a svg file (say, toto.svg), and $$o by
a png file (say, toto.png). In the man page of convert, one can read:
"Specify ?file? as ?-? for standard input or output."
But I obtain an error:
$ inkscape toto.svg --export-png=/dev/stdout|convert - toto.png
convert: Improper image header `/tmp/magick-XXgTxmEa'.
convert: missing an image filename `toto.png'.
I cannot help you there.
By the way, what display option did you choose
in the external inset configuration dialog?
What do you mean?
Sorry, I see now that your are using 1.6svn. The external-template file
format has changed in 1.6, see the release note and the new file. You
need to put a new 'Preview' tag. In your case, adding 'Preview Graphics'
should do.
I have just updated my svn copy.
Actually the REALEASE-NOTES file contains a line about this new tag:
"The external template format recognize now a new tag: 'Preview'. This tag
used to define how an external material should be previewed in LyX. For more
see the 'external_templates' file in the resource directory of LyX."
But no "preview" tag in ./lib/external_templates... What is the matter?
Are you sure you svn updated everything? including lib/external_templates?
You should see this in the RasterImage template:
# LyX preview options:
# Off: LyX will not attempt to show this material on screen.
# Graphics: LyX will attempt to show this material as-is or via a
# conversion to a showable format.
# InstantPreview: LyX will attempt to use the 'instant preview'
# mechanism in order to show this material.
Preview Graphics
If I manage to use this keyword, will it change the svg preview behaviour?
If you use 'Preview Graphics', the preview on LyX screen will use the
same conversion methods as if you used a graphic inset.