Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
The DarkMaster wrote:
And what can I do to use my graphic?
Try to copy the graphics one by one to the new location and reopen
the file each time. Once you've located the guilty graphic, try to
open it with some other software to see if it can be corrected.
Ok, I followed your suggestion but something weird happened. All of
the old graphics is inside the document right now and it opens fine
with no error! I copied one by one all of the pictures and every time
it worked. Now it works fine but still I have no preview capability,
so I cannot export the document in pdf... So I don't know what to do :(
Well the tex file _is_ generated (see attached), it is in the temp
directory but for some reason LyX thinks that the export has failed and
do not proceed to its compilation to pdf. You might want to try to
compile manually this file.
One way to investigate is to do a dichotomy on the lyx file:
1) cut first half of the document, if it compiles the problem is in the
other half
2) undo
3) cut second half of the document
You should come pretty quickly to the problematic part of the file.
The problem seems to be in the last section of the document (3.1.3
Proiezioni con il Metodo di Hamilton e Perry). Erasing this paragraph
allows the LateX compilation.