The DarkMaster wrote:

    I cannot reproduce the crash, the file opens correctly with latest
    1.5 here. Maybe it's related to one of the graphics linked in the
    document. Could you try to open your file from a directory where
    LyX will not find the graphics?

Uhm... you 90% saved me already. Now the file opens, it was sufficient to copy it in another dir.

Why does this happen?
Maybe some of your graphics is corrupted, that should not happen but it happens.

And what can I do to use my graphic?
Try to copy the graphics one by one to the new location and reopen the file each time. Once you've located the guilty graphic, try to open it with some other software to see if it can be corrected.

Before I added math to the thesis, everything was fine and all of the pictures worked... cannot get what happened here. Plus, since I added all of this math, I cannot make a preview or export to pdf anyway... no damned error output is displayed :(
Could you try to see a pdf preview yourself?
I can't. LyX gives me this error message at the console.

File 'C:/Users/abdel/AppData/Local/Temp/lyx_tmpdir120612a19492/lyx_tmpbuf0/Relaz ione_Urbanistica_seconda.tex' was not closed properly. I get the same if I try to export to LateX (pdflatex) and manually compile it. This looks like a bug in LyX indeed.

And why shouldn't it work, or do you have a aclue on how can I fix this?
No idea yet, Jürgen, do you have one?


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