Erez Yerushalmi wrote:

I feel that this is probably a stupid question, but I've spent so much time
trying to figure this out.
I still don't get it.

Here is what I can do so far.
1. From the examples given in wiki and other sources, I know now how to use
a .bib file with LyX and it works great in citations.
2. I also know that .bib files have a certain format, and that I can get
them as an output from the various journals.
3. So far, and I can save these outputs as .txt file only.


How do I actually save a file in a *.bib* format???

Can any one give a simple answer?

You can write out the .bib file by hand using a text editor. However, it is usually preferable to use a bibtex editor such as JabRef. Gui bibtex editors are available for most operating systems.

-- Michael Reed -- technology, gender, and geek culture 
freelance writer

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