Rune Schjellerup Philosof wrote:
I have just checked it thoroughly, and the personal dictionary is placed
in C:\ProgramData\Aspell\Personal, which is very stupid.
So why is this stupid someone might ask. Well:
- First of all, this makes it a global dictionary for all users, not
that personal.
- Second, users are for some stupid reason allowed to create files in
\ProgramData and subdirectories, but only the creator is allowed to
change the files. Which I assume could create some security issues, and
some general anoyance.
- Third, since the first users becomes the owner, this is the only one
allowed to change the file. But because of some fucked up Vista
filesystem, programs not designed for Vista does not recoqnize that they
are not allowed to write the file, and they just write it. When a
program (not prepared for Vista) writes such a file, it is actually
written, however in a different version only seen by this program, and
only temporarily....... Which is very anoying.
The personal dictionary ought to be put in
Right, please report this in