> One of the types of programs that I'm sure will be useful to translate,
> is text editing programs.  Since you guys already work on or translate
> a text editing program, would you mind telling me what you think one
> should look for in a text editing program from the point of view of
> translating it?  What things do you think one needs to keep in mind
> when selecting a single text editing program for a translation project
> with volunteers?
> We call our project the Decathlon because we want to encourage people
> who feel passionate about their language to translate up to ten or more
> opensource programs into their languages in 2008.  This year, we limit
> our selection of translated programs to applications aimed at end-
> users, and preferably programs that run on multiple platforms.

Dear Samuel,

I think Decathlon sounds like a great idea! You might want to register on 
wiki-translation (www.wiki-translation.com). This is an online community that 
is trying to make sense of translation in the new frontier of Massive Online 

In particular, there is one project hosted on that community that aims at 
supporting collaborative translation of wiki content:


I am confused by your question regarding the choice of editor. Are you looking 
at choosing a text editor "worthy" of being translated as part of the Decathlon 
project, or are you looking for an editor that would help with collaborative 

Regarding the later, I don't think the actual text editor matters that much. 
It's more the translation management infrastructure that matters.

Alain Désilets, MASc 
Agent de recherches/Research Officer 
Institut de technologie de l'information du CNRC / 
NRC Institute for Information Technology 

Tél/Tel (613) 990-2813 
Facsimile/télécopieur: (613) 952-7151 

Conseil national de recherches Canada, M50, 1200 chemin Montréal, 
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0R6 
National Research Council Canada, M50, 1200 Montreal Rd., Ottawa, ON 
K1A 0R6 

Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada 

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