Dear Lyx users, I am a total newbie user of Lyx, using it to co-write a paper with two = other folks. The paper is due in 4 days (Sat May 3rd), and we seem = unable to generate a PDF file from the .lyx file.
The only person in our team who knows how to use Lyx and Latex is in = Cuba right now and is mostly incommunicado. The problem is that when we try to generate a PDF file from the .lyx = file, we get a bunch of "Undefined control sequence" errors. We generate the PDF using: File > Export > pdflatex. This used to work about a week ago, but it doesn't anymore. No idea why. I tried to debug the .lyx file by deleting text from the end, and found = that even if I delete everything except the very first instruction: \conferenceinfo{WikiSym'08,} {September 8--10, 2008, Porto, Portugal.} The PDF generation still fails. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated and will greatly = improve your future Karma I'm sure ;-). Thank you, Alain D=E9silets