Hi Jürgen,
I will post this to the mailing list so others might benefit. In
brief: It worked!!!
Am 20.04.2008 um 11:53 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
Hallo Peter,
die Klassenoption "xetex" war das Problem. Nimm sie raus, dann
geht's (oder
verwendest du XeTeX?).
Incredible how easy this was! I edited the document settings and
reduced the options from "openany,liststotoc,xetex" to just
"openany,liststotoc". I had used Xetex in the past, but now have
GWTex, so taking out this option is no problem.
Ich bin nicht auf Mac, aber soweit ich weiß, bruacht LyX/Mac kein X11:
You are right, but I assumed that some helper application like
ImageMagick might need X11. With everything working, I couldn't care
less at the moment!
Thank you very much for yor help!!!