Hi. Is there a way to make references into roman numerals? I have an
numerated list where the counter has been changed to roman numerals,
and I have given labels to some items, but when I refer to them, they
show up in the arabic form.

In latex, I have something like

\item One
\item \label{enum:b} Two
\item Three

but if I try


I get an error

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.19 ...  (\roman{\ref{enum:b}}

Is there a way to get the reference as a roman numeral?

Ernesto Posse

Applied Formal Methods Group - Software Technology Lab
School of Computing
Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
url: http://none.yet


Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab - School of Computer Science
McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
url: http://moncs.cs.mcgill.ca/people/eposse

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