Thanks, Uwe!

I haven't seen this "Math manual", maybe that's the problem... :)

Where can I find it? I ended up on the page Here the Math.pdf is 
"Not Found". I could download a single file named Math.lyx, but in spite of the 
required packages are installed, at the opening it complains about some missing 
layout file (, a lot of included pictures are 
missing, and when I try to compile it, there is no information to do it 
( What do they mean, and what shell I do 
to fix them?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Uwe Stöhr 
  To: Salát Máté 
  Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 1:08 PM
  Subject: Re: How to do it in LyX?

  Salát Máté schrieb:

  > The first is changing the row distances in multiline modes using the row 
endings "\\[9pt]".

  This is unfortunately not possible in LyX without writing the whole formula 
in ERT, see sec. 18.1.1 
  of the Math manual that comes with LyX 1.5.4.

  > The second is making multiline subscripts in sums or integrals using 
"\substack{...}". Is there any LyX command for this?

  This is supported by LyX, see sec. 10.2 of the Math manual.

  regards Uwe

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