On 14.04.08, Eran Kaplinsky wrote: > Clever, indeed. You should add it to the WIKI.
> I adapted it to my needs: > \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textbf{\thesection.\arabic{enumi}}} > Now I need two further changes: > First, to correct the indentation, so that the paragraph number is flush > with the left number and the rest of the text is not hanging, but also > flush. > Second, to create a second (and possibly third level): Use the article (KOMA-script) (or report or book (KOMA-script) document class. Use the "paragraph" Style for paragraph and "subparagraph" for 2nd level. Set the numbering depth in Document>Settings so that the "paragraph" and "subparagraph" are numbered. Read scrguien.pdf for the preamble commands needed for formatting the numbers according to your need. If you need 3 levels of paragraphs, you might use subsubsection, paragraph, and subparagraph with some more format-redefinitions. (Untested, but from what I read in scrguide.pdf it should be possible.) Guenter