Dear lyx users
I have a problem using Bibtex with the last lyx version running under
MacOsX Leopard.
I have bibliographic databases made with Bibdesk and jabref; they are
saved in Bibtex
When i try to insert the bibliography in Lyx under
Lists/TOC/Bibliography....., and i
point in the the dialog box to the path where the databasea are, the
files are dimmed, so
i can?t open them.
If i try the option "all formts" i open the file but it becames empty.
So when i try cite, the citation appear, but when i do a DVI preview
the citation is a ?
mark and nothing about bibliography.
My only chance is the manual method.
Is anything wrong, or is this a bug of Lyx?.
Thanks for your help
Antonio Botelho