Hi again, Honestly, I hope to get to explain good enough. The issue is very simple.
What I've done until now in order to sorting this out has been just taping in the preamble, inside "\rhead{}", the string I wanted to be appeared there (using the fancyhdr). But how to do if I want the same result using code? I've tried several combinations, but without results. Actually, I never knew much what I was really doing, since I know nothing about LaTeX, but the "try and error" method didn't gave me a only chance either. In a pdf document ("Page layout in LaTeX", Piet van Oostrum, Utrecht University, 2004), page 10, it shows several examples of this, more... what I wanted was there... !!!, __just__ the third from the end, very simple: \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{% \markboth{#1}{}} which belongs to a string without the word "Chapter" (or whatever), without the number of the chapter, _with_ lower case letters. It doesn't work for me, and for sure that I'm doing something wrong here... I'd just like it placed in the right header corner. If I could get it, I could think into the idea of build a "book" (forgetting the master/child documents), and then directly printing it, since the rest of settings (margins, etc.) are always the same for all "child" documents. This is what I usually have into the preamble of each LyX document (child, that is, a chapter): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \AtBeginDocument{% \addto\captionsspanish{% \renewcommand{\chaptername}{Tema }% }} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{I put here the name of the subject/course, THIS BY HAND since is always the same} \rhead{This changes _by taping_ into each document, I put here the name of the chapter, and this is just what I'd like to avoid it} \chead{} \lfoot{} \rfoot{} \cfoot{\thepage} -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards and thanks again, Daniel