On Apr 4, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
Bennett Helm wrote:
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Charlse Darwin
$ which latex
no latex in ~/WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts /usr/local/bin
~/Documents/scripts/ /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /usr/bin
/usr/sbin /bin /sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin
$ port info lyx
Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, texlive, ImageMagick, python25
Am I missing latex? And if so, where do I get it from?
It certainly looks as though you're missing it. (My guess is that
if you installed it via macports, it would be in /opt/local
somewhere. It used to be in /opt/local/teTeX/bin, but maybe with a
switch to TeXlive, that's changed to -- guessing here -- /opt/local/
texlive/bin. If so, it looks as though macports failed to set up
your paths properly.)
Sorry I haven't had time to reply earlier, folks. This is what I get:
% which latex
% port provides /opt/local/bin/latex
/opt/local/bin/latex is provided by: texlive
$ which latex
no latex in ~/WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts /usr/local/bin ~/Documents/
scripts/ /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /
sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin
LyX does have a dependency on texlive, but it's a "special" sort of
dependency. Port checks whether there is a TeX-provided binary in the
PATH, and if there isn't, it installs texlive. This is to allow users
to have a choice of TeX distributions (within the limitations of the
current dependency engine).
Charlse, you only seem to have texlive_texmf-minimal and texlive_base
installed, not texlive. Install the texlive port, using the +minimal
variant if you don't want to download texlive_texmf-full.
- Josh
I think I have it installed already:
$ port installed | grep texlive
texlive_base @2007_1 (active)
texlive_texmf-minimal @2007_0 (active)
And also is it possible to use MacTex instead? If so, then how do I
get rid of the texlive completely (I don't have enough space on my
drive). I doubt if `port uninstall´ will do.