Dear LyX users,

trying to convert the sciposter.tex example to a lyx file (after creating a
basic layout), I realized that all comments were translated to raw latex
(ERT). I would prefer it to go to a 'Comment' box. 

Is this a bug, a missing feature, or intended. (It makes sense for
outcommented LaTeX commands).

( LyX 1.5.4 under Debian 

  #> tex2lyx --version
  Creating file /tmp/--version.lyx
  Could not open input file "/tmp/--version" for reading.

Also, I would like to see subsequent lines of comment to go into a common
Comment box. (Currently, there is one ERT box for every line.)

Some more guesswork might convert context sensitive:

* convert to ERT, if it is an outcommented command (regexp: "% *[$\\]")

* common boxes for::

     % a multiline comment
     % with consistent commenting
* separate boxes for

     % multiline comments that might belong to
     % blocks.
* ERT within the comment for clearly recognizable commands in a "comment block"

     % uncomment to activate foo or bar
     % \foo
     % \bar
     % set the following...

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