Hello all,

I seem to be receiving the digest version of the list with messages

I sent a message on (dates according to the archive) Fri, 28 Mar 2008
11:13:17 -0700. I got Ryan's reply (cc'ed to the list) on Fri, 28 Mar
2008 11:48:58 -0700.

That is the only reply I received, I've checked my junk boxes and such.

Strange thing is that I have no mention of the thread in my digests,
I've checked them all from (dates based on the header in the digests)
27/03/08 10:15 AM to 10:08 AM (today March 31st PST). None of the 4
messages in the thread are in my digests.

Is anyone else also seeing this behaviour?

Did something happen (server update?) between Ryan's message at Fri, 28
Mar 2008 11:48:58 -0700 and Bob's at Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:27:12 -0700?

I'd like to respond to Bob's message, but I don't have an email to reply
to, and the archive hides email addresses. It's better that the reply go
into the archive in the proper thread anyhow.

I'll check the archives to see if anyone responds to this.

Here is the archive address of my thread:


Is that number supposed to match the digest numbers?? its a good 2000
messages early than the latest in my digests (65785). Could that be the

B. Bogart

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