On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote: > Hello, > > I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put > an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My > editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to > add a newline after \end{itemize}.
The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins. That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter. That's also why you don't need to indent after a list. Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose. John O'Gorman > > Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list? > > Jean