Hi guys, I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. "- page -"?
The (obvious) first method I tried was this: \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -} Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages. The second thought was to add the following, to extend "fancy" page style to chapter-starting pages: \usepackage{secsty} \chapterfont{\thispagestyle{fancy}} Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I don't want. So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest? Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so effective and fast way. -- Filippo Zangheri GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA Key server: pgp.mit.edu -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M-- V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D---- G-- e++ h-- r++ z* ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------