Hi all,

Using Lyx 1.5.2 and MiKTeX 2.5 on XP.  I am trying to use the Sweave
to create literate-article documents.  I haven't found great
documentation for how to do this on a windows install, but I have
pieced together the following steps, that ultimately fail when I try
to produce any layout by any method.  I get the following error.
"Lyx:Cannot convert file.  An error occured whilst running R CMD
Sweave "newfile2.Rnw"".  Anybody know why?

What I did....
(1) download Noweb.sty file
(2) verify that MiKTeX is indexing the directory containing Noweb.sty.
(3) create a preferences file that contains the following code, store
this in the Lyx Users directory, and verify through Lyx menu that this
correctly updates converters

# FORMATS SECTION ##########################
\format "literate" "Rnw" "Sweave" "" "editor" "editor"
\format "r" "R" "R/S code" "" "editor" "editor"
\format "pdflatex" "tex" "LaTeX (pdflatex)" "" "editor" "editor"
\format "latex" "tex" "LaTeX (plain)" "" "editor" "editor" "document"

# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
\converter "literate" "r" "R CMD Stangle $$i" ""
\converter "literate" "latex" "R CMD Sweave $$i" ""
\converter "literate" "pdflatex" "R CMD Sweave $$i" ""

(4) Copy literate-article layout files to users directory.
(5) reconfigure Lyx.

Then comes the error when I try to get any output.  Thanks.

W. Andrew Barr
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station C3200
Austin, TX 78712-0303

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