Thanks for your quick answer, Paul. On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dominik Böhm wrote: > Insert -> Program Listing, then right click the "handle" of the listing > widget. Select your language (Java or XML) from the list on the main > settings tab (lower left). Click the advanced tab and enter any > keyword=value pairs in the box. Note that if you want to use colors, > you need to add \usepackage{xcolor} (or \usepackage{color}?) in the > preamble; the listings widget does not add it automatically.
Maybe it's a bug in LyX 1.6.0svn: I don't find the "handle" of the listing inset. When I right click on it, the popup menu has only one option "No action defined!". What am I missing? > > Further I am wondering, why the listing's captions are above the > > listing and not beneath it (as we're used from figures). > > It's the default for the listings package. I guess the author likes his > captions on the top. In the advanced tab, add the option 'captionpos=b' > to move the caption to the bottom. I think this question will be anwered as soon as I can open the listing's settings window. Dominik