That works, but you get red and green boxes around the things that are
linked... is it possible to turn those off and have the hyperrefs in
"stealth" mode?
I don't know what stealth mode is.
But you may use this in your preamble to get a PDF with black links and
no borders:
% set fonts for nicer pdf view
{\usepackage{lmodern}} % if it exists
{% if it exists not
} % end if it exists not
% link all cross references and URLs
% in pdf output
\usepackage[pdftex,a4paper,%see ../hyperref/manual.pdf &
pdftex.dante01.pdf , mst be last loaded style
%breaklines={false},%break links across lines? false or true? better
bookmarks={true},%generate bookmarks in pdf? run "$: pdftex
thefile.tex" twice
bookmarksopen={true},%should bookmarks be expanded? full subtrees?
bookmarksnumbered={true},%section numbers in bookmarks?
pdftitle={YOURTITLE},%give in the title
pdfauthor={YOURNAME},%who's quilty for all this?
pdfcreator={LyX, LaTeX with hyperref and KOMA-Script},
pdfkeywords={YOURKEYWORDS},%type in some keywords...
pdfsubject={YOURSUBJECT},%what is it all 'bout?
%baseurl{},%set base url of doc, not important
%pdfpagelabels & plainpages=false should be set if roman and arabic
page numbers are mixed: see
pdfpagemode={UseOutlines},%how should the file open in Acro? None,
UseThumbs, UseOutlines, FullScreen
pdfstartpage={1},%start on which page? counts pagenno.=if titlepage
emtpy {1} starts on 2nd page
pdfstartview=Fit,%startup page view: Fit=Actual Size, FitB=Fit
Width,FitH=Fit Visible>presentation
pdfview=FitH,%sets the default view for each link
%pdfhightlight=/P,%behavior of link buttons: /I =inverse (def.), /N
=no fx., /P = highlighting
colorlinks=true,%important for links without frames...
% set link colors to black for printouts
linkcolor=black,%internal links
urlcolor=black, %external links
filecolor=black, %file links
citecolor=black,%citation links
% uncomment for a screen optimized PDF with colored links
% colorlinks=true,%important for links without frames...
% linkcolor=blue,%internal links
% urlcolor=red, %external links
% filecolor=red, %file links
%to the citation page
pagebackref,%references back to pages: has priority before backref
%to the citation
%backref,%references back to sections
]{hyperref} %gimme the hyperref
%create thumbnails for PDF
%%% Change layout of backref
% default interface
% #1: backref list
% We want to use the alternative interface,
% therefore the definition is empty here.
% alternative interface
% #1: number of distinct back references
% #2: backref list with distinct entries
% #3: number of back references including duplicates
% #4: backref list including duplicates
%%in case that pagebackref is used
\mbox{(Zitiert auf %
\ifnum#1=1 %
%%in case that backref/ref is used
% \renewcommand*{\backref}[1]{}
% \renewcommand*{\backrefalt}[4]{%
% \ifcase #1 %
% No citations.%
% \or
% One citation in section #2.%
% \else
% #1 citations in sections #2.%
% \fi
% }
%%%End: layout of backref
\else % if dvi or ps is produced
%%% link all cross references and URLs in DVI output
%%no changes in DVI
% \usepackage[ps2pdf, a4paper,
% breaklines=true,
% colorlinks=true,
% linkcolor=black,
% citecolor=black,
% urlcolor=black,
% filecolor=black]{hyperref}
% \usepackage[pageref] {backref}%backreferencing in DVI/PS, options: ref
(sections) / pageref (pages)
\fi % end if pdflatex is used
You can savely take off all lines with % at the beginning.
Its taken from my all-in-on preamble...
If you have questions feel free to ask!