Dear LyXers, I regularely use `grep` to find points in my lyx files:
* the built-in search cannot find tokens in math (and other "hidden" constructs), * grep supports regular expression search * grep allows a search accross several files, very convenient in a complex document with sub-documents. My editor lists the results in the form:: absorption.lyx:293:\begin_inset Formula $\varPhi$ absorption.lyx:302:\varPhi(x)=\varPhi_{0}e^{-ax}\end{equation} and can employ the lyx-server to open the file in a running lyx. I wonder, whether there is a lyx function that can be used to place the cursor in the relevant line. (There is a function called "server-goto-file-row", however, I did not find out what exactly it is supposed to do or what arguments it expects.) Guenter