On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 11:05:03PM +0100, ailoan wrote:
> Hello,


> I am a young graphist and I choose your soft (LyX-Mac) to work on a
> project for fun.  I saw your icon and try to suggest you one more
> customized.  Feel free to use it in any project you see fit. They are
> in SVG format for maximum flexibility.
> DL the archive at the URL : http://ailoan.free.fr/LyX-mac.zip

Looks nice, and I would not oppose to use something like that.

The "cosmetical" "problem" I see are the shadows of the letters,
they look as if they came from different ngles. Is that intended? 

On the technical side, 1.5 MB is way too big for an icon, and
there seems to be something wrong with the svg: I get
messages like "** (inkscape:14141): CRITICAL **: SPCurve*"
sp_curve_new_from_foreign_bpath(const NArtBpath*): assertion `new_bpath
!= NULL' failed


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