On 28.02.08, Bob Lounsbury wrote: > On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 8:51 AM, G. Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > the IUPAP recommends italic symbols in formulas also for capital > > greek letters. > > > I think you just need to go to Document->Settings->Math Options and > select 'Use AMS math package'. This worked for me and I was able to > enter \varPhi with no problems.
I can enter \varPhi and the printout will have a nice italic Phi. However, in the LyX GUI, it is a red \varPhi, not a greek letter. I know that similar problems with "normal" symbols can be solved by installing the "latex-xft-fonts" package and was looking for something similar for kursive capital Greek letters. Günter