Quoting rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Quoting rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
From my view I was trying to format a footnote and get rid of an
extra blank line in the footnote footer region. So it didn't
occur to me that "justified" would apply to that. But maybe it
does. (paragraph formatting is otherwise defined in the class?)
I think that even if "justified" is correct, it was a little
mis-leading -- perhaps just due to my ignorance. However the
original text "Apply Paragraph's Default Alignment" by itself is
accurate because it would have implied to me that it might
properly format a footnote -- which it does!
In principle, a footnote could be formatted differently from the main
text---though that would look quite silly. It may be that 1.6 won't
allow such customization in footnotes. It probably shouldn't if it does.
I'm not quite sure why you're mentioning customizing them. I'm
happy with how it fixed them. If it continues to standardize them,
then that'll be great.
What I meant was: Maybe LyX shouldn't have permitted the problem in the
first place.
Ah -- I see. Yeah -- that would be good. Thanks!