Mmm, this is rather strange, I cannot find a directory called /usr/
Spotlight isn't finding "beameruserguide.pdf"
I did use MacTex to install
Thanks again
On 22 Feb 2008, at 13:13, Bennett Helm wrote:
On Feb 22, 2008, at 3:31 AM, Graham Smith wrote:
Silly question I know, but I'm new to the Mac and I am trying to
find the documentation for the Beamer class.
It depends on how you installed TeX. If you used MacTeX, it can be
found at:
Also how do I install extra classes. This all seemed failry
obvious with MikTex on Windows but struggling to find my way
around the Mac.
The standard location is ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex. (Note that LyX
won't recognize extra classes unless you have an
appropriate .layout file.)