On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:51:37 -0800
Brian Kidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i was noticing recently that the double spacing of a lyx-produced  
> document seems a little small. for example, i am able to get 324  
> words on a page (8.5 x 11) in a double spaced document that is
> twelve point font with 1.25" margins all around. this is much more
> than the typical 250 words per page as a rule of thumb and as a
> comparison, the same number of words take up 1.3 pages in a
> double-spaced document in word with the equivalent font size and
> margin spacing. has anyone else seen this behavior and is there a way
> to set lyx so it will produce more typical double spacing?

Lamport says to use \renewcommand\baselinestretch{2} for double spacing.
The argument can be any decimal number: it acts as a multiplier for

\baselineskip is reset by a number of commands, so \baselinestretch is
your friend.

Lamport, Page 172.


> thanks,
> -brian

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