Dear Lyx people,
I have two problems and hope you can help. I'm using Lyx 1.5.2, in
Windows Vista, together with Jabref 2.3, to write my doctorate thesis
(book style).
1) When the document is viewed in pdf, all my references in the main
body of text are in the wrong order. The first reference stated comes
up as [145] and not [1], while the second is [76], not [2]. This
occurs throughout the entire document, in a nons equential psuedo
random manner!
2) in each chapter, some of the figures appear in the correct place
(as floats, with local float settings set to 'use default placment',
and the default option in 'documents settings' set to 'top of page'),
however, a lot of the figures end up in a group at the end of the
chapter, even with the same settings, and even if I change them to be
'here definitely'.
Any help is much appreciated!!