shiknar wrote:
How do I promote/demote an entire branch?

For example let's say I have the following table of contents:

1. Hello
2. World
2.1 How
2.2 Are
2.3 You

If I demote the second heading using the Document->Outline sidebar, lyx will
give me this:

1. Hello
1.1 World
1.2 How
1.3 Are
1.4 You

In other words lyx will only demote the heading and ignore all of it's
content thereby breaking the hierarchical structure of the document.
Sometimes this is what I want, but more often than not, what I really need
is for lyx to demote the entire branch of the tree giving me something like

1. Hello
1.1. World
1.1.1 How
1.1.2 Are
1.1.3 You
The logical way would be to select all 4 headings and then demote.
Perhaps such selection capability can be grafted onto the outliner?

Helge Hafting

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