On Jan 23, 2008, at 1:41 PM, Maximilian Wollner wrote:
Sorry for pushing this old thread but I have found some hints, why
the problems mentioned appeared and I consider it useful to pass
this information to other users (as I often get to threads in this
list when searching for a problem via search engines).
To use gtamachoefler, gtamacdidot and the others, one needs to use
gwTeX and not MacTeX (though both are based on TeXLive). On OS X
you can easily install both distributions and switch back and forth
in the systems preference pane (they don't conflict with each
other). However, using gwTeX and gtamachoefler made even more
problems regarding special characters (I am writing a thesis on
Islam, so there are a lot of special characters...), so I will
simply stick with XeTeX.
Actually, with recent versions of MacTeX, the gta font definitions
are included.