Charles de Miramon wrote:
rgheck wrote:

Debian Etch.
Thanks for the suggestion. I've thought about Debian, and it has a great
reputation for stability. That said, while I don't want to be absolutely
bleeding edge, I do like to be near it, and Debian at least has a
reputation for being, well, stable. Just looking at the packages, it
looks like Lyx 1.4.3 is the most recent in etch. It looks as if lenny
has 1.5.2, but even that's out of date, and, as you say, that's not yet
ready. So, well, I'm still looking.


Debian unstable (that I use) has 1.5.3. Unstable is not so unstable because
most big transformations happens in "experimental".
I run a mix of debian unstable and debian testing.
Testing is more stable, as stuff in unstable migrate to testing only
when it had 2 weeks in unstable without getting bug reports.
So testing is mostly up to date, althoug bugs sometimes holds up stuff.

In those cases I sometimes install the unstable stuff anyway, if the bug
in question doesn't bother me.

You can set up debian so it fetches software packages from both
testing and unstable (and experimental, if you dare), and give
"testing" priority.  You can then get packages from unstable or experimental
by explicitly asking for the higher version numbers for those. You
may track "stable" too, it is then possible to revert troublesome
packages back to known good status.

Helge Hafting

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