
I am compiling Lyx 1.5.3 on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)
with a local qt 4.3.3 install :
I have been facing the same problem as Lyx 1.5.2 user :
the proposed patch solved the problem.
Maybe to adopt for future release ?



Re: lyx 1.5.2 compilation problems

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
Tue, 16 Oct 2007 05:58:36 -0700

Javid Atai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am trying to compile lyx-1.5.2 on my linux
>  box which runs RH9 (gcc 3.2.2-5, kernel 2.4.20-31.9).
> I have already installed Qt-4.2.2 successfully.
> I get the following error message during compilation:

Could you try the following patch?


svndiff src/frontends/qt4/

Index: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp
--- src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp        (révision 20971)
+++ src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp        (copie de travail)
@@ -92,6 +92,22 @@ namespace frontend {
 GuiApplication * guiApp;
+// Mac specific stuff goes here...
+class MenuTranslator : public QTranslator {
+       virtual ~MenuTranslator() {};
+       virtual QString translate(const char * context, 
+                                 const char * sourceText, 
+                                 const char * comment = 0) const;
+// You can find more platform specific stuff
+// at the end of this file...
@@ -373,15 +389,6 @@ bool GuiApplication::x11EventFilter(XEve
 // Mac specific stuff goes here...
-class MenuTranslator : public QTranslator {
-       virtual ~MenuTranslator() {};
-       virtual QString translate(const char * context, 
-                                 const char * sourceText, 
-                                 const char * comment = 0) const;
 QString MenuTranslator::translate(const char * /*context*/, 
                                  const char * sourceText, 
                                  const char *) const

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