Gorjanc Gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> take a look at
>> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4286
>> I did try to change the milestone to 1.6, but was not able to do
>> that, since I was not the original poster.

> FWIW, I have downloaded the paper and began to read it. I am not sure
> what is the best way to proceed. I guess it would be enough to
> configure either noweb or Sweave depending on which one is available.

The problem is of course when both are available.

> Also it would be nice to be able to use this with any class. The new
> support for modules should be enough for that, but it needs thought
> and a bit of design. I doubt I will have time to work on it personally.

> Unfortunately, the target will be set to 1.6 only if we find somebody
> willing to work on it.

I think 1.6 series is fine.

Regards, Gregor

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