I know margins were discussed here a while back but I am now more
confused than before.

I have bought a distribution package from Lulu for my book. 

The requirements for margins are strict. Top and bottom margins must be
the same and so must side margins though there can be a gutter.

As far as I can see this would mean something like this:

Top = 0.75 in
Bottom = 0.75 in
Outer = 0.75 in
Inner = 1.0 in

Does this seem sensible? Has anyone else prepared a book for Lulu in
this way?

I'm not sure the above is right, because then, in the bound book, the
inner margin would appear the same as the outer margin, whereas in most
books I look at it is smaller. So should inner = 0.75 in as well?


Anthony Campbell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Linux Gnu-Debian
http://www.acampbell.org.uk (blog, book reviews, 
on-line books and sceptical articles)

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