On Fri, 7 Dec 2007 15:30:33 -0500 Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 07 December 2007 12:13, William Seager wrote: > > Hi all. I have a book ms. using the basic book style. > > I notice with approval that the margins are offset > > depending on whether the page is even or odd. > > > > But here is where I am confused. In my document the > > odd numbered pages have a small left margin / large > > right margin whereas the even numbered pages have > > a small right margin / large left margin. > > > > Shouldn't the large margin be on the side of the > > page where the binding will be? And aren't odd > > pages always on the right in books? I realize Lyx > > can't be this screwed up, so I must be looking > > at things wrong. An explanation would be > > appreciated. Thanks, > > I've had that happen to me, so I just unchecked the default margins > checkbox and put in the margins I wanted, and that solved the problem. Have a look at Peter Wilson's guide to the Memoir class (memman.pdf). He has a lot of information about book design. One of the things is that the margin structure mentioned above (larger outside margins, smaller inside) is correct. The idea is that when the book is opened there are three approximately equal white spaces surrounding the two blocks of text. If you need extra space for binding, it is in the form of a "gutter" - additional space added to the spine margins. Alan > > SteveT > > Steve Litt > Books written in LyX: > Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist > Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting: Just the Facts >