bigblop wrote:
1) I am using justified text, which I prefer when I print. But I get seasick
when all the text moves when I write. Is there someway to disable
justification in  LyX, but still keep it in the final pdf?
No. But you can set left justification while writing and then turn it back to full justification when exporting.
2) Is there someway to force overwrite of current pdf file when using
"buffer-export pdf2" without having to confirm with yes or no?

I would like to only use "buffer-export pdf2" instead of "buffer-update
pdf2" (so I am sure that the pdf file is always generated in the source
dir), but its annoying that you have to confirm if the current pdf should be
No, not easily anyway. It could be done by defining a copier that would change the name of the exported file: Then the file LyX thought it was exporting wouldn't exist.

This possibility is often requested and should probably be implemented via some sort of preference, like in Firefox: Don't warn me again.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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