G. Milde wrote:
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[informs1]{article (Oper. Res.)}
Other opre
Only it does not work -- the LaTeX output contains
which is sorely lacking the journal option (opre). Is this the wrong way
to specify an option to \documentclass, or am I erring in some visible way?
IMO, the
Other option
construct sets a *default* for the Document>Settings>Options textfield.
It should work if this field is empty when the document class is choosen.
(It does not here for some reason).
Does "empty" mean the field in the Document -> Settings dialog is empty
(it is) or the optional argument in the emitted LaTeX would otherwise be
empty (it is not -- there are the font, language and one-sided options).
If it's the latter, is there a way to suppress those options (which
are not required by the class).
An alternative might be to have one informs1 class and several templates for
the journals.
That would work, and I may have to fall back on that ... if I can figure
out how to get some of the other bits implemented (other than by ERT).