Adrian Peter wrote:

I am trying to create a bulleted list within a regular list environment. Every time I try this, my entire list is turned into a bulleted rather than just the sentences I want. I attached an example lyx file and indicated in there the sentences I would like bulleted. Thank you in advance for your help.

I've attached the corrected file.

Separate the first bulleted item from the last line of the previous list by hitting Enter. Do *not* use a line break (Ctrl-Enter). The new line will inherit the environment of the previous list; change it to a bullet list by clicking the bullet-list button on the tool bar. Now nest the bulleted item under the previous list (Edit -> Increase List Depth, Alt-Shift-right arrow, or the button on the tool bar that looks like a bullet list with a blue arrow pointing to the right).

To resume the previous list, hit Enter to start a new item, un-nest it (Edit -> Decrease List Depth, Alt Shift-left arrow or the tool bar button with the blue arrow pointing to the left), then switch the environment from bullet list back to the previous kind of list.


Attachment: listTest2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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