Yes it should, but I continue to experience problems with widows and
orphans, too. I think that in many cases manually fine-tuning the
document is inevitable.
Tweaking the layout is always the very last thing I do to a document
once the content is settled. Then -- if at all necessary -- I start
thinking about type area calculation, page margins, club- and
widowpenalty and the like.
From what I've read about widows and orphans this is not at all LyX's
fault but something that many TeX and LaTeX users experience. I have to
admit that I was disappointed when I started using LyX and found widows
and orphans in my documents.
But I learned how to get rid of them -- preventing most of them to occur
and wiping out whatever few remained. Try this with a well-known word
processor and a 300+ pages book and you're in for a lot of alcohol abuse.
So it's unlovely, but it's no drama. :-)
-- Christian
Donn Ingle wrote:
But maybe I did not even get the problem? You say the poem's title is
orphaned, so I suppose there's other text, too. Then why not simply
insert a page break before the poem's title?
I thought of that, and of course it works, but I wanted Lyx to handle
the odd case of orphaned sections automatically. I go back and forth,
editing this and that and after a while pagebreaks become a problem.
It's a solution, but it's not ideal -- and Lyx *should* be handling
sections properly. No?