Eran Kaplinsky wrote:
Does anyone else find it inconvenient? When I want to open the most
recent file in a directory I have to stretch the window (at the
beginning of a session it's too narrow), switch to a "details" view
(every time), and then sort.
Is there a way around this?
How do you define "most recent file"? If it's most recently edited by
LyX, File -> Open Recent lists files sorted by recency. If it's most
recently modified by any program, or if the last time LyX opened them
was long enough ago that they've fallen off the Open Recent list, then
your process is necessary (except perhaps the stretching of the window
-- when I open a file dialog, there's a horizontal scroll bar).
I suspect that the display and sort order in a file dialog is controlled
by the graphics package (Qt?). At least on Windows, it does not seem to
remember display decisions from previous visits to that directory, nor
does it honor the per-directory choices made within Windows.