Hi, to complete the UserGuide I need explanations/informations about the following items: Tools->Preferences->Colors-> added space markers command inset command inset backgroun command inset frame inset background inset frame collapsable inset text collapsable inset frame graphics background button background frame of button button background under focus LaTeX error caption frame Math math corners math background math line math frame Math macro background top/bottom line Shadow box bottom area previewed snippet Tools->Preferences->Paths-> Backup directory LyXServer pipe PATH prefix Tools->Preferences->Language settings->Language-> Language package Command start Command end Use babel Global Auto begin Auto end Tools->Preferences->Output->Printer-> Adapt output to printer Tools->Preferences->Converter Converter File Cache Tools->Preferences->File formats-> Document format Vector graphics format Format GUI name Shortcut Extension Editor Tools->Preferences->File formats->Copiers-> Format ============================ Document->Preferences->Fonts-> Base Size Scale (%) Use true Small Caps Use Old Style Figures -- Viele Grüße, Hartmut Haase ================================ Bitte folgende Adresse benutzen / Please use the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ================================
Hungerhilfe: http://www.thehungersite.com Kampagne gegen den Ausverkauf der Deutschen Bahn: http://www.bahn-fuer-alle.de Das heutige Motto: Willst du etwas wissen, so frage einen Erfahrenen und keinen Gelehrten.